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MKI Library Search

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Year Author/Creator Title Form
[Newspaper Clippings Documenting a 1912 Trip by the Nationaler Deutschamerikanischer Lehrerbund to Germany] Book Whole more
[Newspaper Clippings on Remembering the Berlin Airlift] Book Whole more
Miesen, Hubert [Notebook] Book Whole more
1904 Viergutz, Martha [Notebook] Book Whole more
Teubert [Obituary of G. Teubert, Sr.] Book Whole more
1884] Gentmer, Ludwig//Klatt, Carl [Patenbrief and prayer to godchild: Hustisford am ersten heiligen Pfingsttage den 1ten Juni 1884] Book Whole more
1986 Wickham, Gerald Dale [Pedigree chart] Book Whole more
ca. 1850 Koss [Photo] Book Whole more
[Photograph: Milwaukee Liederkranz – Deutschland-Fahrt im April 1926] Book Whole more
Woike, Ruth [Picture album from Ruth Woike] Book Whole more