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MKI Library Search

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Year Author/Creator Title Form
[Hermann Monument – New Ulm, Minnesota] Book Whole more
1825 [Hinrichs, letter] Book Whole more
[Images of Pomeranian costumes and architecture] Book Whole more
[Krueger, Frederick?] [Journal] Book Whole more
Ganshirt [Letter about Ganshirt research] Book Whole more
1865, 1880 [Letters to Emil Ingwerson] Book Whole more
1864 Asbach, John//Asbach, Katharina [Letters] Book Whole more
1828 Tesch, Maria Catharina//Tesch, Nicolaus [Letters] Book Whole more
1948-1950 Heiner, Gabriele [Letters] Book Whole more
Steinbach [Life passage documents for Steinbach family] Book Whole more