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MKI Library Search

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Year Author/Creator Title Form
1983 Paul, Roland Die Heimatstelle Pfalz in Kaiserslautern Book Chapter more
1983 Braun, Fritz Henry Harbaugh–Der erste pennsylvaniendeutsche Mundartdichter / Henry Harbaugh–The First German-Dialekt Author in Pennsylvania Book Chapter more
1982 Moos, Heinz//Piltz, Thomas 300 Years of German Immigrants in North America. A Calendar for 1983 Book Whole more
1983 Goldbeck, Kurt 300 Years of German Immigration to America Book Whole more
1982 300 Years of Germans in America / 300 Jahre Deutsche in Amerika Book Whole more
1935 34tes Saenger-Fest des Ost Wisconsin Saenger-Bezirks Book Whole more
[1927] 36. nationales Saengerfest des Nord-Amerikanischen Saengerbundes, abgehalten im Public Auditorium, Cleveland, Ohio, den 22., 23. und 24. Juni, 1927 Book Whole more
2003 37th Saengerfest 2003: Souvenir Book Book Whole more
1916 43. nationaler deutschamerikanischer Lehrertag. 28. Juni-1.Juli 1916 Book Whole more
1971] 43rd. American Turners national festival gymnastic & cultural competition Book Whole more