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MKI Library Search

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Year Author/Creator Title Form
1983 Scherer, Karl Johann Peter Saling–Der “weisse Indianer” aus Kaiserslautern / Johann Peter Saling–the “White Indian” from Kaiserslautern Book Chapter more
1983 Scherer, Karl … ist in Pennsylvanien gezogen sein Glueck zu machen. Eine Skizze zur Geschichte der pfaelzischen Auswanderung nach Nordamerika im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert Book Chapter more
1983 Scherer, Karl Friedrich Ludwig Henop und Johann Thomas Schley–Zwei pfaelzische Patrioten in Frederick, Maryland / Friedrich Ludwig Henop and Johann Thomas Schley–Two Patriots from the Palatinate in Frederick, Maryland Book Chapter more
1983 Scherer, Karl Aron (August) Belmont–Ein Mann des “Big Business” / Aron (August) Belmont–A Man of the “Big Business” Book Chapter more
1983 Scherer, Karl … and Left for Pennsylvania to Seek his Fortune. Some Aspects of the History of Palatine Emigration to North America in the 17th and 18th Century Book Chapter more
1983 Paul, Roland Theodore Erasmus Hilgard–Ein ‘Hambacher’ und ‘Latin Farmer’ / Theodore Erasmus Hilgard–A ‘Hambacher’ and ‘Latin Farmer'” Book Chapter more
1983 Paul, Roland Ludwig August Wollenweber–Journalist, Dichter und “Ferschtekiller” Book Chapter more
1983 Paul, Roland Emigration from the Palatinate between the 19th and the Middle of the 20th Century Book Chapter more
1983 Paul, Roland Daniel Hertle–Ein Achtundvierziger aus der Suedpfalz / Daniel Hertle–A “Forty-Eighter” from the South-Palatinate Book Chapter more
1983 Paul, Roland Carl David Weber–Ein Pionier des Westens / Carl David Weber–A Pioneer of the West Book Chapter more