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Year | Author/Creator | Title | Form | |
©2002 | Carsten-Miller, Ingeborg, 1933-2021 | 15 Years in the Federal Poet: A Collection of Poems | Book Whole | more |
[1930] | 15. Stiftungsfest des Maenner-Vereins der Ev. St. Stephans-Gemeinde, Merrill, Wis. | Book Whole | more | |
1992 | McGinty, Ulrike | 150 Jahre Deutscher Verein 1842 – 1992 | Book Whole | more |
1992 | McGinty, Ulrike | 150 Jahre Deutscher Verein, 1842-1992 | Book Whole | more |
1920 | Schrader, Frederick Franklin | 1683-1920; The fourteen points and what became of them–foreign propaganda in the public schools–rewriting the history of the United States–the espionage act and how it worked–“illegal and indefensible blockade” of the Central powers–1,000,000 victims of starvation–our debt to France and to Germany–the war vote in Congress–truth about the Belgian atrocities–our treaty with Germany and how observed–the alien property custodianship–secret will of Cecil Rhodes–racial strains in American life–Germantown settlement of 1683 : and a thousand other topics | Book Whole | more |
1688 – 1988. Tricentennial of German Protest against Slavery | Book Whole | more | ||
1975 | Piltz, Thomas | 1776-1976. Zweihundert Jahre deutsch-amerikanische Beziehungen / Two Hundred Years of German-American Relations. Eine Documentation […] | Book Whole | more |
1965] | 17th Annual Pennsylvania Dutch Days; Hershey Park, Hershey, PA; 1965 August 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. Program | Book Whole | more | |
1987 | Scheuner, Gottlieb | 1817-1850: Inspirations-Historie or Historical Account of the New Awakening, Assembly and Establishment of the Community of True Inspiration in Germany through the Year 1850 Including the Emigration to America | Book Whole | more |
1999 | Arens, Heinz-Werner//Reppmann, Joachim | 1848-1998: 150 Years of German Revolution. Friedrich Hedde–Schleswig-Holsteiner in USA | Book Whole | more |