Max Kade Institute Library Search

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Please note: In many of the bibliographic records, MKI has not used umlauts (ä, ö, ü) or the letter ß. Try searching both for umlauts and for ae, oe, or ue, and ss.

MKI Library Search

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Year Author/Creator Title Form
1942 Nitz, H. C. A history of St. John’s Church, Waterloo, Wisconsin 1867 – 1942 Book Whole more
2000 Reinhart, Joseph R. A History of the 6th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry U.S.: The Boys Who Feared No Noise Book Whole more
[1992] Nolt, Steven M., 1968- A history of the Amish Book Whole more
1938 Eisenach, George John A History of the German Congregational churches in the United States Book Whole more
1991 Waterman, John T. A history of the German language: With special reference to the cultural and social forces that shaped the standard literary language Book Whole more
1871 Davis, Paulina W. A history of the national woman’s rights movement for twenty years with the proceedings of the decade meeting held at Apollo Hall, October 20, 1870 Book Whole more
n.d. Koenig, Roselyn Schoenecker A History of the Schoenecker Families Book Whole more
1994 Gehman Knisely, Kim A Is For Amish Book Whole more
1992 Geesaman, Claire A Kraemer chronicle Book Whole more
1954 Reed, Carroll E.//Seifert, Lester W. J. A Linguistic Atlas of Pennsylvania German Book Whole more