Renew Your Membership – Become a New Member

As we enter another holiday season, we look back on a year full of activity at the Max Kade Institute and the many ways the Friends have been able to support the Institute’s work. Extend your membership to 2016, or become a new member today!  Receive the Friends newsletter three times a year, a publication full of interesting articles on German-American topics, and enjoy many other membership benefits such as discounts on MKI workshops.  You can now pay your membership online or download a membership form here.


The Friends Fall 2015 Newsletter is Here!

The latest issue of the Max Kade Institute NEWSLETTER has been sent to our members.Cover_MKI_Fall-2015_Newsletter Join the Friends, and receive your copy in the mail.

Read about..
— The German Diaspora in the World War I Era – a report on MKI’s October conference
— Harvey Miller’s Pennsylvania Dutch poems written during WWI
— Book review: “The Temptation of Despair”
— Book review: “Folksongs of Another America”
— How German Americans Shaped America’s Beer Culture

German Beer, Food and Music! — Friday, November 13, in Madison

“Quench Your Thirst For Knowledge”

Join the Friends for an entertaining evening to benefit the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies!  pretzel-and-beer1

Friday, November 13, 2015
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
The University Club
803 State Street, Madison, 53703

Bull Falls Logo_Full_4oclk-01**Craft beer from Bull Falls Brewery in Wausau, Wisconsin
**German-style buffet with delicacies from Clasen’s European Bakery in Middleton, Swiss Colony in Monroe, Freiburg Gastropub in Madison, and the University Club Restaurant.
**Polka Music with Rick March, and fun silent auction baskets.
Invite your Friends and share the attached Fall Fest_poster!
Contact: or 608-262-7546

PLEASE NOTE:  No tickets will be mailed to you.  Once we have received your payment, we will confirm your purchase by email or phone call.  On the day of the event, please stop at the registration table, and you will receive a wristband.

German-American GENEALOGY WORKSHOP : November 7, 2015 in Madison

Come to Madison for a German-American GENEALOGY WORKSHOP, co-sponsored by the Friends!????????????????????????????????????????

Saturday, November 7, 2015, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Memorial Library – room 126, 728 State Street, Madison
$30, box lunch included, 10% discount for Friends of the MKI and members of the WHS.

Join Lori Bessler (Wisconsin Historical Society) and Antje Petty (Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies) as they share tips and strategies to help you research your ancestors from German-speaking Europe.

Registration online at the Wisconsin Historical Society:…

For details see the attached PROGRAM or CONTACT
Lori Bessler:, 608-264-6519 or
Antje Petty:, 608-262-7546

MKI Conference “Outside the Kaiserreich: the German Diaspora in the World War I Era,” October 8-10 in Madison

Join us for an exciting and thought-provoking symposium on Germans who lived outside the Kaiserreich in the World War I Era.

Abendschule_21_Juni_1917During the era of the “Great War,” many nations had significant numbers of first- or second-generation ethnic Germans living within their borders. Speakers of German could be found in the United States, Russia, Denmark, southern Africa, China, and Latin America. This symposium will look at the complex situations and dynamics of societies with German populations on the periphery or outside the borders of the German Empire in this period of global armed conflict

FREE and open to the PUBLIC!

Click here for schedule and details.