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FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicKarasek, Horst
Title, Monographic1886, Haymarket: Die deutschen Anarchisten von Chicago
Place of PublicationBerlin
PublisherKlaus Wagenbach
Date of Publication1977
Series TitleWagenbachs Taschenbücherei
Series Vol. ID11
NotesMEM copy is from 1975
AbstractIncludes description of the riot and biographies of the anarchists: August Spies, Adolph Fischer, Louis Lingg, Georg Engel, Albert R. Parsons, Michael Schwab, Samuel Fielden, Oskar Neebe
Call NumberMKI P87-106 / MEM HX 846 C4 A64
MKI TermsHaymarket Affair/ Chicago (Ill.)/ Labor movement/ Social conditions