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Format | Book Whole |
Title, Monographic | [Miscellaneous Materials on the 48er Emil Rothe] |
Abstract | Includes two short biographies of Emil Rothe, and a photocopy of a newspaper clipping (obituary) about Ella Rothe (Emil's daughter). "Emil Rothe." Cincinnati in Wort und Bild. Cincinnati: Burgheim, 1888. "Emil Rothe. 1826-1895." Vorstands-Bericht des Deutschen-Pionier-Vereins von Cincinnati, Ohio für das 27. Verwaltungsjahr endigend am 30. Juni 1895 und enthaltend eine genaue Statistik des Vereins, sowie Biographien der verstorbenen Mitglieder. Cincinnati: J. J. Schellenbaum, 1895. "Clifton Woman Gained Fame by Her Teaching: Miss Ella Rothe Noted for Progressiveness." Cincinnati Times-Star, Dec. 18, 1935. |
Call Number | MKI P86-26 |
MKI Terms | Biographies/ Forty-eighters/ Watertown (Wis.)/ Rothe, Emil, 1826-1895 |