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Please note: In many of the bibliographic records, MKI has not used umlauts (ä, ö, ü) or the letter ß. Try searching both for umlauts and for ae, oe, or ue, and ss.

FormatBook Chapter
Author, AnalyticPaul, Roland
Title, AnalyticAmerika ist freilich kein Schlaraffenland ... : Was pfaelzische Auswanderer im 19. Jahrhundert ber ihr Schicksal in der neuen Heimat nach Hause berichteten
Author, MonographicPaul, Roland
Title, Monographic300 Jahre Pfaelzer in Amerika / 300 Years Palatines in America
Date of Publication1983
Location in Work101-120
AbstractA translation of the German text into English was not attempted so not to lose the originality of the idiom.
Call NumberMKI MKI E 184 .P3 P38 1983
MKI TermsPalatines/ Letters/