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Please note: In many of the bibliographic records, MKI has not used umlauts (ä, ö, ü) or the letter ß. Try searching both for umlauts and for ae, oe, or ue, and ss.

FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicWaterman, John T.
Title, MonographicA history of the German language: With special reference to the cultural and social forces that shaped the standard literary language
Edition or Versionrevised edition 1976
Place of PublicationProspect Heights, Ill.
PublisherWaverland Press
Date of Publication1991
Extent of Work284 pp.
Notes; book, in MadCat
AbstractJohn Waterman's goal has been to prepare a text broad enough in scope to provide the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student with both an introduction to the more specialized philology courses and a reasonably comprehensive account of the historical development of the modern standard language. He has tried above all to keep the American-reared and American-schooled student in mind, including for this reason much more information of a general encyclopedic nature than is found in the standard German handbooks.
Call NumberMKI PF 3075 .W3 1991
MKI TermsLanguage, German/ History