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Please note: In many of the bibliographic records, MKI has not used umlauts (ä, ö, ü) or the letter ß. Try searching both for umlauts and for ae, oe, or ue, and ss.

FormatBook Whole
Title, Monographic[Shelf list cards for German collection]
NotesBelieved to be for Watertown Free Public Library (some cards mention Stechert, which was a fund seen in the Watertown German collection books), however, titles on cards do not match well with our database of titles [Procite: Watertwn.dat]. Also, cards are wrapped in a sheet of paper with letterhead for Williams Free Library, 106 Park Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916.
Call NumberMKI P2002-66
MKI TermsBibliographies/ Literature, German