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FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicWalker, Ross Gaetzke
Title, MonographicA Chronological History of Der Westfielder Deutsche Bischoeflichen Methodisten Kirche/Westfield German Methodist Episcopal Church, S5498 Rock Elm Road, Westfield Township, Sauk County, Wisconsin
Place of Publication[Milwaukee, Wis.
Publisherthe author]
Date of Publication2002
Extent of Work26
Packaging Method (e.g., pp.)pp., ill.
NotesFounded in 1852 (the 150th anniversary), present church building erected in 1877 (the 125th anniversary); on the occasion of the 89th Homecoming, Sunday, July 21, 2002
Call NumberMKI P2002-92
MKI TermsWisconsin/ Wisconsin -- Sauk County/ Lutheran Church/ Churches/ History