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FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicGoldbeck, Kurt
Title, Monographic300 Years of German Immigration to America
Place of Publication[Los Angeles]
PublisherGerman American Business Society of Southern California
Date of Publication1983
Extent of Work45
Packaging Method (e.g., pp.)pp., ill.
NotesWith contributions by Hartmut Bickelmann, Guetner Moltmann, Beltmont Faries. Selection of Illustrations: Anneliese Goldbeck; on cover, 1683-1983; donated by Bob Gersbach, Dec. 2003
AbstractDescribes the journey across the Atlantic as well as of travel within the United States upon arrival.
Call NumberMKI P2003-34
MKI TermsEmigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Immigrants, German/ History/ Ships