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FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicRowan, Steven
Title, Monographic[Belleville Public Library Project: Evaluation of the 'German Collection' at the Belleville, Illinois, Public Library, with Recommendations for Its Future Development]
Place of Publication[St. Louis
PublisherUniversity of Missouri-St. Louis, Department of History]
Date of Publication1986
Extent of Work[7]
Packaging Method (e.g., pp.)pp. manuscript.
AbstractProvides an evaluation of the "German Collection" at the Belleville [Illinois] Public Library, which was originally organized as a subscription library by educated German-speaking "Latin farmers" in 1836. The collection contains books in many languages representing "the full range of what persons with a broad liberal education might want to read, whether it was in German, Latin, French, Greek or Hebrew." While religion and philosophy is represented, "the primary stress is on works of skepticism." Also included are books by members of the Belleville intellectual community and of local interest (such as Das Westland, an 1838 work published in Heidelberg specifically to promote emigration to St. Clair County), as well as a large section of travel literature and history. Includes a partial catalog of the collection.
Call NumberMKI P2004-12
MKI TermsBibliographies/ Literature, German/ Language, German/ German Americana/ German Americans -- Illinois