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FormatBook Chapter
Author, AnalyticWeiss, Gerhard H.
Title, AnalyticThe German Language Press in Minnesota
Author, MonographicGlasrud, Clarence A.
Title, MonographicA heritage fulfilled: German-Americans: Die erfuellte Herkunft
Place of PublicationMoorhead, Minn.
PublisherConcordia College
Date of Publication1984
Location in Work47-63
AbstractWeiss' paper provides a brief history of the German language press in the United States, stating that it played a major role in the struggle between ethnic consciousness and gradual assimilation. He then describes the history of the German language press in Minnesota, what topics the papers generally covered as well as their formats and their use of advertising. Journalists and publishers discussed include: Friedrich Orthwein, Albert Wolff, Samuel Ludvigh, Ludwig Bogen, and Lambert Naegele. Also included are several illustrations.
Call NumberMKI F615 G3 H48 1984
MKI TermsGerman Americans -- Minnesota/ Ethnic identity/ Newspapers, German-American/ Assimilation/