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Please note: In many of the bibliographic records, MKI has not used umlauts (ä, ö, ü) or the letter ß. Try searching both for umlauts and for ae, oe, or ue, and ss.

FormatBook Whole
Title, Monographic[Erstes Deutsches Lesebuch]
Place of Publication[Milwaukee, Wis.]
Date of Publicationn.d.
Extent of Work109
Packaging Method (e.g., pp.)pp., ill.
NotesIn poor condition with loose pages and missing title page and pages 1 - 6. --- Has inlaid library circulation paper: "Nummer 40. Eigentum der St. Markus Schule, Watertown, Wisconsin."
Call NumberPIA
MKI TermsPIA/ Readers/ Educational/ Teaching of German