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FormatBook Whole
Title, Monographic1918 NGATS Jahrbuch
Place of PublicationMilwaukee, Wis.
PublisherThe Yearbook Society of the National German-American Teachers' Seminary
Date of Publication1918
Extent of Work134
Packaging Method (e.g., pp.)pp., ill.
NotesOn title page: Publisht by the Yearbook Society of the National German-American Teachers' Seminary, Milwaukee. --- Donated by Helga Epstein, daughter of Frieda (Meyer) Voigt (see p. 16). ---- Repaired by UW-GLS Conservation Laboratory, 2016.
AbstractIncludes a list of teachers, academic degrees and honors granted. Also includes advertisements. In English and German.
Call NumberMKI P89-79
MKI TermsPIA/ Periodicals/ Education/ National German-American Teachers' Seminary