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Please note: In many of the bibliographic records, MKI has not used umlauts (ä, ö, ü) or the letter ß. Try searching both for umlauts and for ae, oe, or ue, and ss.

FormatBook Whole
Title, Monographic[Episteln und Evangelien fuer die Sonn- und Festtage des Kirchenjahrs]
Date of Publicationn.d.
Extent of Work98
Packaging Method (e.g., pp.)pp.
NotesReligion; Title page missing; Donated by Merrill Historical Society in honor of Robert Nienow in 1988; Stamped on cover page E. G. Kenauss. and Em. Rnansz.;
AbstractIncludes index
Call NumberPIA
MKI TermsPIA/ Epistles/ Churches