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FormatBook Whole
Title, Monographic52. nationales Saengerfest
Place of Publication[Cleveland, Ohio]
PublisherNord-Amerikanischer Saengerbund
Date of Publication1986
NotesEmpfangskonzert: Freitag, 30. Mai 1986, Stouffer's Inn on the Square. Main concert: Samstag, 31. Mai 1986, Public Hall, Cleveland Convention Center.; donated by Juergen Eichhoff; also have 51. nationales Saengerfest (3.-4. Juni 1983, the Ohio Center & The Sheraton Columbus, Columbus, Ohio) [MKI P2001-11a]
AbstractSome introductory texts and advertisements in German.
Call NumberMKI P2001-11
MKI TermsPIA/ German Americans/ Songs/ Societies, etc./ Music