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FormatBook Whole
Author, Monographic[Henson, Josiah]
Title, Monographic[Wirkliche Lebensgeschichte des Onkels Tom in] Frau Beecher-Stowe's "Onkel Tom's Huette."
Translation/TitleLife of Joshiah Henson. German
Edition or VersionFrei nach dem Englischen von Marie Schweikher. Autorisirte Ausgabe
Author/Subsidiary, or PerformerSchweikher, Marie
Place of PublicationCincinnati
PublisherHitchcock & Walden
Date of Publication1878
Extent of Work208 pages : portrait ; 18 cm
NotesTop halves of title page, foreword, and table of contents missing.
Donated bySheboygan County Historical Research Center
Call NumberPIA OH
MKI TermsBiography/ Slavery