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FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicChristy, Margaret
Title, Monographic[Various family documents]
NotesChristy, Schindewolf; baptism certificate of Edna Elies, the daughter of Christian H. and Margaret Schindewolf.
AbstractEdna E. Schindewolf married William P. Christy in 1907; clippings. The Christys have 3 children. Margaret, an accomplished cellist, has played with the Minneapolis Symph. Orch. and teaches music in Des Moines, Iowa. Includes a Wanderbuch (journeyman's book) for Chrisitian Heinrich Schindewolf (tailor), born 1837 or 1838 in Helmarsheusen (Kreis Hofsgeismar, now Hessen). The book includes printed "Vaeterliche Worte an reisende Handwerks-Gesellen," a personal description of Heinrich Schindewolf, and four pages listing the places he visited as a journeyman in Germany.
Call NumberFH Schindewolf
MKI TermsSchindewolf/ Christy/ Family History/ Prussia/ Janesville (Wis.)/ Wisconsin/ Ohio