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FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicHercher
Title, Monographic[Hercher, photos]
Extent of Work9 pieces
ContentsFour (4) photographs
Frieda Hercher, 19. Jahre alt (Photographer: G. Prinz, Freiburg i. B., Hebelstraße 10.)

Postcard portrait: Four men standing, four women seated, three children at front.

Image of two young children and infant. Photographer: [B. Masare?] 576 N Ashland Ave., Chicago

Family portrait: As viewed: man with mustache, seated; one young girl standing on either side; behind them, woman standing on left; young man standing on right.

Five (5) greeting cards
AbstractPhotos, greeting cards
Call NumberFH Hercher
MKI TermsHercher/Freiburg/Photos