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FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicSteinfort, Heinrich
Title, Monographic[Essay tablets of H. Steinfort]
Date of Publication[n.d.]
Extent of Workunpaginated
NotesRelated to autograph book of Alvina Steinfort Brennecke, P2002-54?; see also signature in PIA book: Tägliches Hand-Buch, in guten und bösen Tagen (Philadelphia: Kohler, 1867)
AbstractHandwritten, softbound tablets signed by H. Steinfort. One is filled with penmanship exercises, the other contains stories: "Erzaehlung," "Der Schrift-Abend," "Das Lotterieloos oder Hans und Grete," and "Der Bauer und sein Sohn." See also drawing books by H. Steinfort, P89-25.
Call NumberP89-24
MKI TermsEducational/ Exercise Book/ Penmanship/ Family History/ Steinfort, Heinrich