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FormatBook Whole
Title, Monographic[Various religious cards and mementos]
AbstractIncludes bookmark from Concordia Publishing House in St. Louis, Mo.; Mission papers signed Valentin Russ, 1886, 1897, and 1902; "Zum frommen andenken an den hochw. Herrn Anton V. Mueller," 1918 (printed by Milwaukee Church Supply Co.); "In pious memory of Rev. Alois Zitterl," 1923; "Andenken an das Silberne Jubilaeum des Hochw. Pfarrers Heinrich I. Dreis," 1912 (Madison, Wis.); and two copies of 1916 pamphlet announcing English services for the remaining months (Sept. - Dec) at St. Marcus Ev. Luth. Church in Milwaukee
Call NumberMKI P2002-55
MKI TermsReligious/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Madison (Wis.)