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FormatBook Whole
Author, Monographic[Krueger, Frederick?]
Title, Monographic[Journal]
NotesDonated by Alice Wendt, July 2002
AbstractJournal stamped with "Frederick Krueger, County Treasurer, Washington County, West Bend, Wis." The name Martin Krueger also appears in the journal. Contains a drawing of a sailing ship (or scow?), twelve handwritten pages of an immigration story that notes the family left Dorf Polchow bei Cammin (Kreis Cammin) hinter Pommern in 1839. The writer notes they were in Milwaukee, and that in 1842 he married Friederica Wilhelmine Augusta (geboren Schallock). Also includes other listings of names (Heutching, Kueckhefer, Ulbricht, Habheger, Buestrin); a page of poetry; and several recipes, including ones for soldering flux and rat poison.
Call NumberMKI P2002-83
MKI TermsDiaries, Letters/ Wisconsin -- German Americans/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Pomerania, Prussia/ Pommern, Prussia/ Krueger/ Heutching/ Kueckhefer/ Ulbricht/ Habheger/ Buestrin