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FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicRuegg, Amalia
Title, Monographic[Two letters with advertisements]
NotesAlso contains a book of poetry: "Pestalozzi-Album. Lieder und Gedichte von Schlewsig-Holsteinischen Dichtern und Dichterinnen," edited by C. Schmarje and published in Itzehoe in 1846. Written on the title page: H. Severin. 27 Dec. 1864 (or 1869). From Amalia (Zimmerman) Ruegg was born on Sunday, 10 July 1842 in Canton of Clarus, Switzerland. She died at the age of 82 on Saturday, 27 September 1924 and is buried at Zoar Evangelical Cemetery, Rockfield; spouse: Reverend Caspar Ruegg.
AbstractTwo letters, in English, to H. Severing, Supt. of Schools in New Holstein, Calumet County, Wisconsin, from Amalia Ruegg (also appears spelled as Amelia and Rüegg). The letters are written from Rockfield, Wisconsin, and are dated 1895 and 1896. The letter from 1895 includes advertisements for "Early Settlers on Lake Winnebago," a translation of "Die Ansiedler am Winnebago-See," published by G. Brumder as part of the Jugend Bibliothek. The letter from 1896 also includes an advertisement for "The Settlers on Lake Winnebago: A True Narrative of Pioneer Life in the North-West."
Call NumberMKI P2002-98
MKI TermsWisconsin/ Letters/ Wisconsin -- Calumet County -- New Holstein/ German-American publishers -- Milwaukee