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FormatBook Whole
Title, Monographic[Hand-bound book of letters]
NotesHand-bound book of letters, on cover is written "Soprano"; donated by Max Gaebler, October 2002
MKI AnnotationBoxed by Grimm Bindery, 2023.
AbstractHand-written letters in the old German script between Catharine Juessen (neé Ruetz), an aunt of Carl Schurz living in Clay Centre, Kansas, and Emil C. Gaebler, living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and later in Chicago. The letters date from Jan. 25, 1889 to Oct. 14, 1890, with the final pages showing a visiting announcement from a newspaper, a marriage announcement for Emil C. Gaebler and Catharine Jussen, and a poem entitled "Spaetherbstbluethe."
Call NumberFH Gaebler
MKI TermsLetters/ Juessen Catharine (neé Ruetz)/ Gaebler, Emil C./ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Clay Center (Kan.)