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Format | Book Whole |
Author, Monographic | Becher, Willie |
Title, Monographic | [School Notebook: German Essay Writing, 1st Seminar and Elements of Algebra] |
Date of Publication | [July 23, 1895] |
Extent of Work | [41] |
Packaging Method (e.g., pp.) | pp. |
Abstract | School essays in German (Deutsche Aufsätze) titled "Meine Heimat: Eine Beschreibung" (he says he was born in Chemnitz, Sachsen), "Ein Situationsbild (Nach dem Gedichte, 'Das Negerweib' v. Geibel)," "Die Lebensgeschichte Schillers," "Der Ring des Polykrates," "Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein" (an essay on idiomatic sayings), "Charakterbeschreibung des Ritters in dem Gedichte 'Der Kampf mit dem Drachen,'" "Friedrich II und der Müller" (a play), "Die Rache," and "Die Rettung Baumgartens (Von ihm selbst erzählt)." Loose pages written in English include "Tiger Lily's Race" and "The Black Horse and His Rider" (by George Lippard). Also an advertisement for a play titled "Die Ahnfrau." |
Call Number | P2003-22 |
MKI Terms | Handwritten/ Education/ Schools/ Saxony |