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FormatBook Whole
Title, Monographic[Autograph book for Mary Justena Miller]
Date of Publication[1882-1916]
Extent of Work1 compact disc
NotesLent for scanning by Sue Lendborg, August 2003
AbstractOnly digital format of autograph book is in MKI collection. Images of 28 pages of autographs. Most autographs are in English, with three in German. Names include: Vogel, Davison, Miller, Remus, Steinback, Klatt, Riedner, Bourk, Uecker, and Klecker. Locations include: Columbus, Wisconsin; Austin, Minnesota; Jackson, Minnesota; Waterloo, Wisconsin; and Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.
Call NumberFH Lendborg
MKI TermsFamily History/ German Americans -- Wisconsin/ Columbus (Wis.)/ Miller/ Steinback/ Klatt/Riedner/ Uecker/ Klecker