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CreatorGaebler, Hans D.
Title, ManuscriptDas Gaebler Museum
MKI AnnotationDigital scans of the original work.
Donated byMax Gaebler.
Abstract"Hans D. Gaebler of Watertown has prepared an exceedingly interesting account of the Gaebler family in Germany and America, under the title Das Gaebler Museum. He regards it properly as a source book of family history. This book, in manuscript, contains copies of numerous letters which have significance for general history in addition to family history, and also a large number of photographs of men, women, and children, and objects of interest, some of which are of historical importance. The Society has been given permission to make copies of any material in the volume and is particularly interested in some of the immigrant letters." (Wisconsin Magazine of History, June 1933, vol. 16, no. 4.)
Call NumberDigital files (Box)