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FormatJournal Article
Author, AnalyticGaebler, Odoardo//Bovy, Christian//Bovy, Peter
Title, AnalyticSample Letters of Immigrants
Journal TitleWisconsin Magazine of History
Date of PublicationMarch 1937
Volume ID20
Issue ID3
Location in Work323-328
AbstractTranslations of two letters written by German-speaking immigrants. The first is a letter written in October 1847 by Odoardo Gaebler. He writes from Newport, Kentucky, following a short stay in Milwaukee, where he was unable to find work. He has become a soldier, anticipating the war with Mexico: ". . . when the war with Mexico, which cannot possibly last more than one year, shall be over, I will obtain 160 acres of land." The second letter is from Christian and Peter Bovy, written from Brighton, Kenosha County, Wisconsin, in March 1857. It describes family affairs and prices for crops, land, animals, etc. "I have no interest in enticing anybody with fine words or with lies. For the most part the first year does not satisfy people. Why? Because so many things are wanting and particularly money. But when they have been here a year and have raised something for themselves, then under no circumstances do they wish themselves back."
Call NumberDigital file (PDF)
MKI TermsGerman Americans -- Wisconsin/ Agriculture/ Farming/ Letters