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FormatJournal Article
Author, AnalyticRagatz, Oswald
Journal TitleWisconsin Magazine of History
Date of PublicationDec. 1935
Volume ID19
Issue ID2
Location in Work182-227, illustrations
NotesTranslated and edited, with introduction, by Lowell Joseph Ragatz, Ph.D.
Abstract"The Rev. Oswald Ragatz . . . was born in Tamins, Canton Graubünden, Switzerland, in 1833. The motives underlying his parents' decision to emigrate to the new world, the preliminary departure of an older brother, his selection of the upper Mississippi valley as a future home, the long five-stage jouney out (Tamins to Paris; Paris to Havre; Havre to New Orleans; New Orleans to Galena, Illinois; Galena to Sauk City, Wisconsin); and the first years of life on the raw frontier are here set forth with a vivid picturesqueness and detail which make the account a real contribution to American social history. It is of particular interest to students of Badger state affairs as being the only extended dealing with the coming of Sauk Swiss known to exist."
Call NumberDigital file (PDF)
MKI TermsGerman Americans -- Wisconsin -- Sauk County/ Immigrants, Swiss