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FormatJournal Article
Author, AnalyticH., G. D.
Title, AnalyticDer juengste Tag
Journal TitleDer Botschafter
Date of PublicationAug. 1905
Volume IDXI
Issue ID8
Location in Work246-250
NotesHerausgegeben von den Priestern der Versammlung vom Kostbaren Blute zu Collegeville, Indiana --- Author identified only by initials: G. D. H.
MKI AnnotationInformation on Rev. George D. Heldmann.

Information on the Congregation of the Most Precious Blood
AbstractPart II - V. Continuation of Henry Merkl's dream state, in which he recalls times spent with his mother and brother, Fritz. At one point, the doorbell rings. Henry answers it to find his friend, August Elprecht, and another man named Loui Schmitt. Greeting Loui, "der Mutter ging ein Stich durch das Herz. Der kalte Blick des Fremdlings trifft sie wie das eisige Wehen aus einer Gletscherklust."

But Henry is enjoying the conversation, and decides to remain home while his mother and brother go to church. His mother tells him to bring the two visitors along, but Henry replies, "Das geht nicht gut; ausserdem weiss ich nicht, ob Herr Loui Schmitt katholisch ist." Henry stays with the other two men. "Er hat dem Abgrund gerufen und der Abgrund hat geantwortet." [To be continued.]
Call NumberMKI Periodicals
MKI TermsFiction, religious/ Death -- fiction/ Catholic Church/ German Americans