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FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicRupp, I. Daniel
Title, MonographicA collection of upwards of thirty thousand names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727-1776 ...
Translation/TitleChronologisch geordnete Sammlung von mehr als 30,000 Namen von Einwandern in Pennsylvanien...
Edition or Version2nd rev. and enl. ed. with German translation.
Place of PublicationPhiladelphia
PublisherLeary, Stuart & Co.
Date of Publication1898, 1875
Extent of Workx, 495 pages, (pages [497-502] advertisements) ; 21 cm
NotesSpine title: Thirty thousand names of immigrants. The appendix contains several lists, etc., not immediately pertaining to Pennsylvania....
MKI AnnotationWis Hist Society has reprint edition. Inscription "Jus. F. Ohrlein, Cleveland, Ohio. Mar. 26 - 1912"
Donated byKaren A. Latchford, 2023.
Call NumberPIA PA
MKI TermsImmigrants, German/ Philadelphia (Pa.)/ Lists