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FormatBook Whole
Author, MonographicNolt, Steven M., 1968-
Title, MonographicA history of the Amish
Place of PublicationIntercourse, Pennsylvania
PublisherGood Books
Date of Publication[1992]
Date of Copyrightc1992
Extent of Work318 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
NotesIncludes bibliographical references (pages 298-309) and index.
MKI AnnotationAlso in other UW and Wis Historical Society libraries.
Donated byHans Juttner
ContentsAcknowledgments (p.2) -- The Reformation heritage of the Amish (p.3) -- Amish beginnings, 1693-1711 (p.23) -- Maintaining the church : the Amish in Europe, 1693-1801 (p.42) -- Settlement and struggle in the New World : the Amish in eighteenth century Pennsylvania (p.56) -- A time of testing : the Amish in Europe, 1790-1861 (p.76) -- Prosperity and promise in North America, 1800-1865 (p.92) -- Years of division, 1850-1878 (p.125) Cont.): The merging traditions : Amish Mennonits and the Mennonites in North America and Europe, 1870-1937 (p.155) -- Preservation and perseverence : the Old Order Amish, 1865-1900 (p.188) -- Challenges in a new century, 1900-1945 (p.213) -- Peoplehood in a changing world : Amish life since 1945 (p.245) -- Endnotes (p.286) -- Bibliography (p.298) -- Index (p.310) -- Author (p.318)
Call NumberBX 8129 .A6 N65 1992
MKI TermsAmish -- History/ Amish -- Culture/