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FormatJournal Article
Author, AnalyticMax Fischer
Title, AnalyticDer Kampf um Cuba
Journal TitleHarold Kalender
Date of Publication1898
Location in Work33-138, ill.
Notes"The Battle for Cuba"
ContentsDer Korallengürtel der Küste, Tropengebilde im Urwald, Cubaner bei der Feldarbeit, Grabstätte von Columbus, Chinesen und Neger, Schicksale der Insel, Das Wunderland "Juana", Einfälle der Bucaneros, Capitulation bei Camaguey, Verbreitung der Juntas, Spaniens Verluste
AbstractA detailed account of the events of the Spanish-American war and the history of Cuba, the "Perle der Antillen", including rebellions in Havana, naval battles, and countless maps.
Call NumberMKI Periodicals
MKI TermsSpanish-American War, History